Solar Eclipse

February 16, 2021|Home, Product design|

Belonging to VMD Objects’ Surfaces Collection, Solar Eclipse is a truly singular table tray, one of many that combine a number of trays that ft into each other. With dimensions of 42cm in length, 35cm
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Moon Tray

February 16, 2021|Home, Product design|

Belonging to VMD Objects’ Surfaces Collection, Moon Tray is one of a number of table trays consisting of more than one component, ftting into each other seamlessly. Comprised by a circular Volakas white marble tray,
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Hexagon Tray

February 16, 2021|Home, Product design|

Belonging to VMD Objects’ Surfaces Collection, this asymmetrical Hexagon Tray is characterized by its clean lines and minimalistic aesthetics. As the frst object designed, it is considered the genesis of VMD Objects’ aesthetic. It can
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