Fazekas Miklós Architect | FM-design stúdió
Miklós Fazekas, an architect, established FM Stúdió with the goal of providing quality and high-standard architectural services to clients. The primary focus of the studio is on quality rather than quantity in designs. Therefore, Miklós takes on only as many projects as he can ensure a high level of quality for his clients. He is committed to responsible architecture and strives to create exclusively sustainable buildings that fully meet the expectations of today's modern age. From the start, the studio has mainly focused on designing residential buildings, but has also successfully completed numerous public and large-scale industrial projects. Each of these is a personalized, unique structure.
The studio maintains continuous communication with clients, starting from the initial meeting through the conceptual designs, leading to the finalization of plans and submission. Upon request, Miklós provides his engineering expertise to support clients until move-in.
Creating a good design based on client needs is a lengthy process. The presence of harmony and ongoing communication with clients is paramount. This forms the foundation for the creation of unique designs. FM Stúdió believes that from these designed plans, truly high-quality buildings are constructed, to the utmost satisfaction of clients.
Miklós Fazekas
Founding Partner, Architect, Structural Engineer
Miklós Fazekas obtained his degree in architecture from the Faculty of Architecture at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 1991. Simultaneously, he also became a Structural Engineer. By combining architectural and structural design expertise, he ensures the harmony between architecture and structural engineering in the buildings he designs. Energy efficiency is his passion and a key consideration in architectural design. Sustainability is of utmost importance to him, which is why he pursued further education and obtained the internationally recognized qualification as a Certified Passive House Designer from the German Passive House Institute (PHI). This certification was awarded to him by the Passive House Institute in Darmstadt, Germany in 2012.
Miklós works with passion. Alongside ensuring high-quality design, his goal is to create timeless values that not only endure but also earn the complete satisfaction of his clients.

Official Name of the Office
Fazekas Miklós Architect | FM-design stúdió
Vecsés, Hungary
Number of Employees
Make contact
+36 20 984 2112