Atelier für Architektur ZT GmbH

Atelier für Architektur ZT GmbH

In recent years, our studio has taken on numerous tasks across the broad field of architecture and urban development. Initially, we placed a strong focus on participatory projects concerning urban development, inner-city development, and the design of public spaces. Over time, due to our successes in various competitions, we have expanded our portfolio to include more projects within urban development, inner-city enhancement, and public space design. Additionally, we have ventured into planning public buildings such as community centers and schools, as well as residential construction. A core belief that unites all our projects is the conviction that the true measure of architectural quality lies in the multitude of possibilities it provides to those who use, animate, and sustain it.

Thomas and Christoph
Founding Partners, Architects

Thomas and Christoph both pursued their studies at Graz University of Technology. During their academic years, they began planning joint projects, which laid the foundation for their future collaboration. This partnership deepened with projects focused on urban and local development, introducing innovative approaches to public urban spaces.

In 2013, they founded their joint studio and have since successfully executed projects of various scales, particularly in local and urban development. Their studio has also achieved numerous competition wins, securing significant contracts. As experts in their field, Thomas and Christoph frequently share their extensive knowledge and experience through lectures and consultations, benefiting both clients and students alike.

Official Name of the Office
Atelier für Architektur ZT GmbH


Graz, Austria


Number of Employees


Make contact
+43 699 18102560


Winning projects


In the urban transformation area, the project serves as a potent prelude to dense urban development. The structure of the proposed building creates a commanding portal for southern city access
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