Platform Architecture and Design is an internationally distributed peer reviewed journal on architecture, design and interiors that deals with a critical reading of trends in the international debate by bringing together ideas and new directions through critical interpretations and scientific research.

The magazine was first published in March 2015 and was born as a critical and open observatory on contemporary architecture and design in a historical phase that requires new perspectives in the analysis and reading of the dynamics that are profoundly changing the global metropolitan landscape. The sphere the magazine looks to is that of the Italian and international scientific community of architects, contemporary scholars and students of Architecture and Design.

The selection of works goes through careful research by the editorial team and recommendations from correspondents and members of the scientific committee, showing particular attention to those geographical and cultural contexts not particularly touched upon by the more traditional journals. The underlying objective is to offer the scientific community an observatory on the dynamics, ongoing research and phenomena that are emerging in the international debate and, at the same time, to flank critical action with a series of essays and in-depth studies that read with scientific quality the design and cultural experiences of modernity between the 20th and 21st centuries.

Platform Architecture and Design
Legal and administrative headquarters:
Via Paleocapa 17
17100 Savona

Representative office:
Piazzetta Brera 24/2
20121 Milano