Library of the Faculty of Health Sciences

Libraries are one of the most fascinating architectural examples in the history of mankind. The library has always been the “ axis mundi ” of collective memory. It has always been the place where human experiences could be preserved, crystallised, made eternal. Libraries are places that connects thoughts and experiences beyond space and time. New library in Faculty of health sciences takes great opportunity to prove that library is not a place of preservation and consultation anymore, but more than ever a place of evolutionary cultural space. Human, social and anthropologic.




Styria arhitektura d.o.o.; David Mišič, Sašo Žolek

Main contractor for wood construction
Mizarstvo Moric d.o.o.

Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Maribor

Year of completion

Maribor, Slovenia

Total area
1.680 m2

Miran Kambič

Project Partners

Grant d.o.o., Prokoplus d.o.o., Orion Intertrade d.o.o., Lineal d.o.o., Svetlarna d.o.o.

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