Kocanda Kravsko II

The project deals with the second stage of the conversion of the former ceramics factory in Kravsko. It is the original utilitarian plaster mold warehouse, which we are transforming into accommodation, and the former sorting plant, which we are converting into a community hall. The original Baroque complex was built as an inn on the Prague-Vienna route. In the second half of the 19th century, it was transformed into a famous ceramics factory and expanded with new buildings. The production operated here for a hundred years. Soon, however, it met the fate of many other obsolete industrial plants – production was closed down, the area changed hands and fell into long-term disrepair. The current owners, who come from Kravsko, are redeveloping the site for social events and adventure tourism



ORA; Barbora Hora, Jan Hora, Jan Veisser, Maroš Drobňák

Year of completion



Kravsko, Czech Republic

Total area

6850 m2



Project partners

Landscaping: Klára Jordánová

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