Kirchenstandort Witzhelden

The new community centre forms an inviting ensemble alongside the historically significant church and vicarage buildings. With its height and placement, the new structure respects and gives prominence to the historic church. By skillfully integrating the natural topography, new open spaces are created, offering versatile uses.

A barrier-free, cohesive architectural concept has been developed, bringing together the key areas of use: church space, community life with children’s and youth work, and administration. The church is seamlessly connected to the new green square through carefully selected materials, garden walls, and the new community centre, creating a unified and recognizable whole.


Kastner Pichler Schorn Architekten; Jochem Kastner, Konstantin Pichler, Stephan Schorn

Evangelische Gemeinde Witzhelden

Year of completion

Witzhelden / Leichlingen, Germany

Total area
547 m2

Site area
3.425 m2

Mia ter Horst

Project Partners

Landscape architect: Stern Landschaften

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