The BigSEE Fashion Design Awards honor the best fashion design projects in Southeast Europe as well as the people behind them.
For extensive, tailor-made exposure of your project you are strongly advised to choose among the following winners services:
– Web profile (200 €/year) more →
– Social Media Campaigns (from 150 €) more →
– Winning project exposure in the BigSEE Report (from 300 €) more →
– BigSEE Report, postage included (40 €/issue) more →
– Exhibition Units – two days (from 150 €) more →
– Exhibition billboard 100×100 cm (80 €/piece) – Video interview – BigSEE Talks (100 €) more →
– BigSEE Trophy, postage included (70 €) more →
For questions and remarks, please feel free to contact us here.
Web profile
Winners have the privilege to expose themselves by means of their thoughts, ideas, and BigSEE awards advertised on our website channel. When the profile is activated, it serves for the duration of one’s career. Web profile enables an enriched insight into the creative production of awarded company/studio.
It renders possible website highlights by:
– extended description of the company/studio and its references (awards, lectures, exhibitions, publications), contact details, and facts
– enable all kind of editorial and sponsored social media campaigns
– link with image company/studio on all its BigSEE winning projects
– expose projects in a randomly featured Winning projects section on the front page
– presence in Community section – presenting the uniqueness of the SEE region
– possible inclusion of other contents (BigSEE talks, interviews, video clips)
– presentation of up to 10 most referential projects
– Instagram section integrated
– exposure of the profile in a randomly featured Winners profiles section on the front page
– profile update; description, contacts, etc. – ongoing
– references update; awards, lectures, exhibitions, publications – once per year
– projects update; up to 10 new / best projects that represent the excellence of the studio – once per year

Web profile with references, BigSEE winning projects, other featured projects, Instagram section
Social Media Campaigns
BigSEE Social media channels enable award winners to be promoted through our network with more than 18.000 social-media followers on Facebook and Instagram. Our bespoke posts offer a comprehensive insight into your company by specifying your awarded project. It is a great opportunity to sponsor a post and reach your specific target group in a specific country. This option is only available in combination with web profile booking.
Every post consists of one Facebook & one Instagram post.
A: 1 post on Facebook & Instagram, 150 € (reach 9.000-18.000)
B: 1 sponsored post on Facebook & Instagram, 300 € (reach 19.800-57.000)
C: 1 sponsored post on Facebook & Instagram, 600 € (reach 36.000-102.000)
order here →
Campaign will start in 5 working days after receiving payment and materials.
Feel free to contact us for more information about additional custom-made social promotion which is based on defined target groups, countries, reach and frequency of posts.

Facebook post

Instagram post
Winning project exposure in BigSEE Report
The BigSEE Report is the leading annual review of the creative strength and business potentials of Southeast Europe.
This printed publication gives the awarded studios an option to extended promotional publishment.
1/3 page project presentation, 300 €
1/1 full page project presentation, 500 €
2/2 full page project presentation, 1000 €
order here →
It also includes 2 issues of the BigSEE Report.
BigSEE Report purchase
1-issue, postage included
40 € order here →

BigSEE Report

1/3 page project presentation

1/1 full page project presentation

2/2 full spread project presentation
Exhibition Units, October 6-7, 2022
Meeting point
Proactive way of communication among the exhibitors and visitors through a clear and uniform concept of the stands.
150 € (two days) order here →

Exhibition Room 1/2, 125X125 cm + 4 walls 125×250 cm
3 m² (exhibitor’s mark, desk, chairs). Walls allow billboards and posters attaching (small nails only).
300 € (two days) order here →

Exhibition Room 1/1, 250X125 cm + 8 walls 125×250 cm
6 m² (exhibitor’s mark, desk, chairs). Walls allow billboards and posters attaching (small nails only).
500 € (two days) order here →

Exhibition billboard 100×100 cm
To expose your projects in exhibition rooms we offer you complete billboard production (print+installation).
Note: service available only in combination with exhibition room booking. Print files provided by your side.
80 €/piece order here →

Video interview – BigSEE Talks, October 6, 2022
By taking part in the BigSEE Talks, you shall be given an opportunity to present yourself by answering various questions which are either formulated by an interviewer or you. The interview duration is maximum 3 minutes.
The video interview shall increase your web profile exposure and social media campaigns. Every video will be published on youtube channel and on the website.
100 € order here →

BigSEE Talks interview for online promotion
BigSEE Trophy
It is an option for those winners who do not visit the Month of Design Festival to collect the award. Postage included.
*Note: trophies will be sent to the winners after the online award-giving ceremony (October 21).
70 € order here →
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