Eco-Park Durres is a public park constructed on a former landfill that once posed a significant environmental threat to the city. Inspired by a renowned local Roman mosaic, “The Beauty of Durres,” the park’s design serves as a metaphor for the transformation of a contaminated site, laden with negative connotations, into a public space for recreation and environmental education.
The primary objective of the project is to address an environmental crisis. However, this issue is not solely perceived as a technical challenge. It is also understood as a social concern, necessitating a comprehensive strategy focused on creating public recreational areas and fostering ecological awareness. Eco-Park is conceptualized as a dynamic environmental entity capable of evolving over time by incorporating new themed pavilions and educational programs.
The mounds, constructed from waste and adorned with vegetation, serve as a form of land art intervention. The largest hill, composed of compacted waste, hosts the Balkans’ tallest climbing wall, designed for international competitions. The Eco Pavilion, situated at the park’s entrance, accommodates essential park facilities.

Casanova+Hernandez architects
Year of completion
Durres, Albania
Total area
144.000 m2
Site area
144.000 m2
Alvis Mine and Casanova+Hernandez architects
Project Partners
Engineers: AVE Consult