Dunja Krvavac

BIG SEE network, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dunja Krvavac was born in Sarajevo where she attained primary and secondary education as an International Baccalaureate student. She enrolled at the Faculty of Architecture at University of Sarajevo in 2011 and finished her Bachelor’s degree in 2017, focusing on architectural design and constructive systems. In 2017, she started her Masters at the same faculty where she’s currently finishing her master thesis on inclusive urbanism and design based on migrations. In 2018, she spent one semester at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway, focusing her studies on urban planning and design. While studying, she’s been part of LIFT – spatial initiatives, a non-profit non-governmental organisation that aims to educate local communities on architecture, urbanism and design. She is currently project coordinator of LIFT’s biggest project which is biennial festival Days of architecture Sarajevo.
In 2022 she started working at a local architecture studio i.d.e..a Sarajevo founded by architects Zijo Krvavac, Sakib Oković and Dejan Tadić. In 2021 she teamed up with Nikola Ostojić on various projects such are: KB.apt (Collegium Artisticum 2021: Selection), AS13 (Collegium Artisticum 2022: Selection) and Manifesto gallery of contemporary arts in Sarajevo (2022). In 2021, she partnered up with Jasmin and Ilma Sirčo from Sinteza architecture studio on project MST923: Kazani and in 2022 the project was awarded with Collegium Artisticum 2022. She worked on Urban Lab Sarajevo, a collaborative project with UNDP BiH, Municipality Centar Sarajevo and Faculty of Sarajevo that focused on producing a digital platform for inclusive consultations for several public spaces in Sarajevo. Her latest lecture titled Public Space? in Sarajevo 1945-1992 was part of KUMA International Summer School: Between Past and Future held in August 2022 and KUMA International collaborative project with Syracuse University and Yale University in March 2024. She continued exploring the topic of Sarajevo public spaces along with architect and colleague Irhana Šehović through joint Days of architecture and LINA European architecture platform project (UN)CONTEXT_Dissecting the layers: Sarajevo residency workshop and exhibition – in 2024 she is working on another joint Days of architecture and LINA European architecture platform project titled BATTLE FOR RESILLIENCE collaborating with the Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo.
She worked on several books; she’s been a co-author of 3650 DAYS OF CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE IN SARAJEVO (2018); co-author of Architectural Guide Sarajevo published by DOM Publishers (Berlin) (2023); and she’s done architectural illustrations for book Urban Rooms of Sarajevo by authors and colleagues Nermina Zagora and Dina Šamić (2021).
She currently lives and works in Sarajevo.

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