The construction of an atypical bus stop with a green roof in front of the local elementary school has been initiated. The bus stop is designed as a simple shelter, which, thanks to its cantilevering on three racks, offers sufficient permeability.
Its height and scale enable a spatial dialogue with the school building. The roof, adorned with vegetation, primarily serves an educational function when viewed from the elementary school classrooms. Large-format glasses are equipped with effective protection against bird impacts. The structure is constructed using welded closed profiles. The water drainage from the roof is concealed within one of the supporting columns, as is the electricity distribution for public lighting.

M&P Architects – Landscape Architecture; Markéta and Petr Veličkovi
:The village of Hrdějovice
Year of completion
Hrdějovice, Czech Republic
Total area
8 m2
Site area
8 m2
Petr Velička
Project Partners
Statics: Milan Vaněček
Locksmith production: Milan Pestr
Vegetation roof: Bartl s.r.o.
Fillings: Glassware Marek s.r.o.
Lights Led: Alumia
Electrical installation: Lukáš Sedmidubský
Resista seats made of rice husks: Fox Interior
Design of the space in front of the school: Capacity
Flower beds: Landeco