31m2, Ljubljana

Can living in a smaller apartment evoke the feeling of spaciousness? Is there a possibility that the apartment adapts to the user and not vice versa? Can we step out of our current lifestyle and change the way of living?
But perhaps the apartment doesn\’t need shelter of a detached room and the true freedom is hidden in a common open space. We are no longer confined in small spaces called living room, dining room, kitchen, etc. The apartment can be a single-purpose space which can change accordingly. It can be a dining room when we invite friends to dinner. It can be a living room on rainy afternoons. It can be a bedroom. Or children\’s playroom!


Studio AINO; Urša Križman, Luka Fabjan


Year of completion

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Total area
31 m2

Project Partners

Harco d.o.o., Teracerstvo Belec Branko, Mizarstvo Jerančič, Klemen Ebner – Ebimont d.o.o., Starman d.o.o., Gramat Gril d.o.o., Ideo d.o.o., Urša Križman, Sense of design

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