PHANTOR – The mobile Atmospheric Water Generator

PHANTOR – The Mobile Atmospheric Water Generator:

Water scarcity is a daily challenge in many parts of the world. PHANTOR, an advanced Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG), was developed to address this critical need for fresh water, representing a significant leap forward in water harvesting technology. With a footprint no larger than a shipping container, PHANTOR can generate up to 10.000 liters of drinking water per day from the surrounding air.

Designed for both stationary and semi-stationary applications, PHANTOR overcomes the size and mobility constraints often associated with other atmospheric water generators. Its smart design and cutting-edge technology set it apart. Equipped with a photovoltaic system on the roof, PHANTOR harnesses renewable energy to power its operations, further enhanced by self-optimizing software that boosts energy efficiency. By integrating real-time weather data into its calculations, PHANTOR achieves significant energy savings. Additionally, an integrated power storage unit ensures continuous operation even during power outages.

PHANTOR is an ideal solution for water-scarce environments, including remote locations, arid regions, agricultural areas, peacekeeping missions, disaster relief efforts, and urban development projects. It provides a rapid and cost-effective supply of water for entire buildings, including apartment complexes, hotels, and hospitals.


DOIT. Solutions, Austria

Imhotep.Industries GmbH, Austria

Year of production

Imhotep.Industries GmbH

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