Zmago Novak
Zavod Big • BIG SEE, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Zmago Novak is the founder and managing director of Zavod Big, the Centre for Creative Economy of the South-East Europe (CCESEE). He is also the prime mover of the Big Southeast European platform (BIG SEE) as well as the driving force behind many internationally established projects, such as the City of Design, Month of Design, Big Architecture, Wood Icon and Creative Tourism.
His mission and passion is to spot, wake up and inter-connect the region’s creative and economic potentials to face global challenges. Zmago strongly believes that this is the most efficient way to increase the region’s competitive edge, to create new business opportunities, and to promote the region’s new global brand: “BIG SEE – Where Life IsCreativity”.
Zmago has curated countless events for architects, designers and other professionals, and is regularly invited to national and international juries at design and architectural competitions. He is honorary member of Designers’ Society of Slovenia and the Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning of Slovenia.