Ulla Alberts

Murman Arkitekter, Stockholm, Sweden

Murman Arkitekter currently comprises 35 engaged and competent staff: architects, structural engineers and interior designers. Our focus is on architecture and interior design. We always strive to do high-quality work – by which we mean projects of great architectural merit that are functional, adapted to their context and environmentally, socially and economically sustainable. Our portfolio contains several internationally award-winning projects and we always aim for every assignment to achieve its fullest potential.

We deliberately work with a broad palette of projects, both programmatically and in terms of scale, in order to develop our business.
This method deepens our knowledge and understanding of our task. We do everything from furniture design to town planning, from holiday homes to large office buildings, cultural institutions and public buildings; libraries, museums, restaurants, etc.

Murman architects’ approach is characterized by creativity and professionalism. We strive for a dynamic work climate that encourages
openness and curiosity, where we share ideas, knowledge and information. The office places great emphasis on competence development through training, seminars and, not least, internal knowledge exchange. We have a keen interest in how architecture is developing and
follow current research. Right now, a primary concern is how to reduce carbon emissions ond how to meet new requirements for LCA analysis.

We have a solution-focused approach with a clear buildability perspective and have shown in many high-profile projects that we can achieve great results despite limited budgets and conflicting interests.
