Incontro seat

September 9, 2021|Product design|

Public spaces of Park Otrada mall set up with our INCONTRO | bench + seat Two lateral steel elements hold, like two hands, five wooden staves of the seat. The smooth shape with round edge
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Gibillero recycling bin

September 9, 2021|Product design|

Modular GIbillero bin, divided in four modules for paper, generic waste, plastic and glass/aluminium, chosen at Venezia Terminal Passeggeri, the prestigious turistic cruise terminal of Venice.GIBILLERO modular recycling binA modular waste separation system, designed for
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Pitagora bike racks

September 9, 2021|Product design|

Corten finished Pitagora bike racks chosen for bike shelters at Vertical Forest designed by Boeri Studio, winner of the International Highrise Award 2014. PITAGORA multiple rack: a single laser-cut and properly folded steel plate, like
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September 8, 2021|Product design|

The inspiration for this particular bench is the petal of a flower gently folded back on itself. Petalo is composed of two elements: A steel petal-shaped plate, laser cut and bent, the wide part
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