SONNENGLAS® Generation 6

Sonnenglas is an innovative solar lantern, handcrafted in its own Fair Trade project in Johannesburg, South Africa. This project has provided secure employment for 75 previously unemployed individuals. For those in the townships without regular electricity, Sonnenglas offers an emission-free, reliable, independent, and above all, safe source of light. The solar lantern comprises a glass jar and a high-tech solar module, which can also function as a self-sustaining light source. Its sleek and ingenious design makes it a perfect on-the-go lighting solution. In Europe, Asia, and the USA, Sonnenglas is highly popular as both an indoor and outdoor light, often adorned with individualized decorations. Sustainable materials are utilized as much as possible in their production, such as the world’s first certified solder.


Sonnenglas GmbH, Studio Scazziga

Sonnenglas South Africa Pty Ltd

Year of production

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