Shoka is an innovative smart bike accessory, the product of Shoka LLC. It helps to navigate and be seen in traffic, and also serves as a theft protection device. The idea was to pack a bell, a bike light, GPS navigation, route tracking and theft protection into one compact body. Our job was to pack all this functionality into an appealing product. We aimed to make the product the smallest it can be, so it does not impact the overall look of a bike too much. The first things to consider were the positions of the electronic components, and fixing elements.





The bell has 2 main parts, the permanent ring on the bike, and the detachable main body. The permanent ring that stays on the bike is necessary to detect movement, so it can alert the owner of a potential thief. The detachable main part houses all the other sensors, speakers, the battery and LEDs. We worked closely with our electronics partners to minimise the size of each component. Then we created a basic layout that hugs the handlebar tightly. A multidirectional joystick controls the bell. The direction and tilt of the joystick defines the sound the bell gives, so it was essential to get it right. We created several prototypes and tested them before settling on the right choice. Instead of a screen, an LED array is used to convey information to the rider.





Design: Maform Design Studio
Producer: Shoka LLC
Country of producer: Hungary
Photos: Maform Design Studio
Year of production: 2017