Serpentin bench

The Serpentin bench is inspired by the way a paper tube is constructed with a continuous strip of paper wrapped rotation after rotation around the tube.
The bench’s seat wants to give the impression of a continuous piece of wood, spun to form its volume. To awaken the curiosity of the observer the ends of the strip are left hanging loosely draped over the frame. The forces in the wood and the wood fibers have been curbed to softness and almost plastic shape. The frame in its simplicity and contrast highlights the seat’s silhouette, Serpentin’s characteristic idea. My design is based on a methodology that I call Technomimicry. The method mimics the functions or aesthetics of human-made objects and applies these findings on the furniture I design. With curiosity and a wish to surprise the viewer, I design furniture that wants to challenge conventional notions of what a piece of furniture is to look like and that speaks to the user on both an aesthetic and intellectual level.


Marc Hoogendijk, Sweden

Nola Industrier AB,Sweden

Year of production

Rai Masashi

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