There is nothing more important in a theatre than the play. All the magic happens on stage or better said “mostly in the head of the audience”, as the director of the Örkény Theatre put it.
Our main goal was to underline this idea and create a neutral space, that doesn’t distract from, but complements the theatre making process and supports the communication between the performers and the audience.
A new theatre experience already starts upon arrival in the previously renewed entrance hall. Its clear, contemporary modern design concept was also adapted in the auditorium and the hallways.
Every detail, material, and technique -functional or decorative- harmoniously serves one purpose: emotionally and mentally preparing the audience to absorb the play in the right environment, including the most comfortable custom made chairs.
We believe, that good design lays in the quality of the thought, and functionality doesn’t exclude subtle beauty and playfulness.

Komp Design Studio
Örkény Theatre
Year of completion
Budapest, Hungary
Total area
450 m2
Szabolcs Barakonyi
Project Partners
made by light – lichtplanung, Aqrate Akusztika Mérnöki Iroda Kft., Budai Műemlék Felújító Kft.