Raluca Visinescu; Bloc, Romania
For the last 18 months, as a member of the board of Romanian Order of Architects, Bucharest Branch, I've been in charge of tackling the problem of the public space in Bucharest and pursuing the public administration to organise architectural competitions for the unsolved problems of the city's public places.
So, in terms of identifying the problems with the architectural practice in Romania, one major is that there's too little good architectural input in the public sector - most of the good architecture that has been produced in the last 2 decades in Romania comes from private investments, private institutions and a lot of the good projects are just small scale ones. Thus, the Romanian Order of Architects aims to change that and to pursue the Architectural Competitions in the public agenda as the best means to achieve good quality projects for the public investments.
Now I am busy with organising one architecture competition for a public space in the centre of Bucharest - as soon as it will be launched I will send you the information and links about it - being, of course, open to all the architects within the EU.
Therefore I will not be able to come to beautiful Ljubljana in May, but I might consider visiting it again in October.
And, last but not least, I hope that this architecture competition I am organising now to be the first one and followed by further bigger ones, so I would be very interested to collaborate with Zavod Big, with the Slovenian architects as we'll be searching to have the most interesting and international professionals in our competitions' jury panels....
June 10, 2020