Terme Sveti Martin

Terme Sveti Martin

Terme Sveti Martin is a one-of-a-kind destination in northern Croatia, which throughout the years evolved into the first Healthness resort in Europe, a perfect place to rejuvenate and relax, take care of one's health, with first-class local, organic, and homemade gastronomy in the middle untouched nature. The desire to change the guest's mindset and bad habits continuously makes this place invent new programs which help guests become healthier as they leave our resort. Merging the anthroposophic elements of Dr. Rudolf Steiner (ego, hearing, warmth, sight, taste, smell, balance, movement, touch, life, thought, and speech) into an eternal loop, they laid down the cornerstones of the Healthness concept, thus establishing the foundations for their unique holistic programs to bring back the balance of the body, mind, and spirit.

The innovative holistic Healthness program consists of accommodation in Healthness rooms, individual counseling, and Body Vitality Scan according to which they further propose unique services to guests that benefit their health. These services include phytotherapy with local plants and herbs, as well as cannabinoid therapy, sleeping schedules, nutritional plans, advice on stress reduction, and specially created individual massages, as well as other wellness treatments.

Terme Sveti Martin has positioned themselves as the first real Healthness resort in Europe, which is why it embarked on a green and healthy revolution in tourism with their Healthness project. Their ecological contribution, green experiences, and a new, healthy online reservation system for relaxed vacations. They aimed to encourage a healthy lifestyle – healthiness – even before the vacation, during the reservation process, and upon arrival at the resort. As pioneers in this healthy revolution, they moved away from the "pushy" sales communication and embraced a future-oriented approach – promoting a healthy vacation experience during the reservation process. The new design of their website is based on 100% soothing video content. Alongside the new visual identity, they created more than 30 original short videos and cinemagraphs, aiming to provide a truly calming digital visual experience. Their goal was to offer an innovative and calming experience for all potential guests.

Back in 1911, an international English-Hungarian company conducted explorations in the area of Sveti Martin na Muri in search of oil, but instead, they discovered thermal water. The residents soon discovered the healing properties of the water, leading to the construction of a small wooden pool and baths for soaking in thermal water. Over the years, the ownership changed, and the spa, initially known as Toplice Vučkovec, operated only in the summer months as a bathing facility with three pools and a restaurant. In 2003, the spa was renamed to Toplice Sveti Martin and underwent an intensive period of tourist development. Gradually building its recognition, primarily through the attributes of the natural surroundings, the friendliness of the staff, and the quality of service, it became a leader in continental tourism.

With the completion of the hotel and a golf course, the renovation of indoor pools, and the construction of an outdoor aquapark, the quality of the offer improved to meet the needs of guests. As the resort increasingly focused on the development of products and services closely related to a healthy lifestyle, it was essential to crystallize and modernize its visual identity. In line with the philosophy of Dr. Rudolf Steiner, the foundations of the Healthness philosophy were established, intertwining active recreation, wellness enjoyment, and healthy gastronomy. In 2021, Terme Sveti Martin became a recognized brand guaranteeing service quality and guest satisfaction, known as 'The First Healthness Resort in Europe.


Toplice Sveti Martin, Izvorska 3,
Sveti Martin na Muri, Croatia


Number of Employees


Make contact
+385 (0)40 371 111


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