Schwarzenbacher Struber Architekten

Schwarzenbacher Struber Architekten


Schwarzenbacher Struber Architekten is an architecture office based in Salzburg, Austria, originally founded by Wolfgang Schwarzenbacher in 1993. From the very start the studio has worked on projects in the public sector, with a special focus on sustainable building. Several projects have won awards for timber architecture and sustainability.

Their design philosophy aims to fulfil the needs of each individual project, focusing on adapting the architecture to its given surroundings, letting function determine form, and choosing authentic materials that enable buildings to age timelessly. Architecture should not only meet spacial requirements, but go beyond what is asked and offer additional value to its users. This way of designing spaces provides benefits for cities and its people.

Designing and supervising a wide range of projects – from family houses, refurbishments, to large-scale urban developments – continually challenges the team and keeps everyone open-minded. Each project is discussed with the whole team, which opens up new perspectives and creative angles, brings clarity and adds value to every aspect of the project.

Wolfgang Schwarzenbacher
studied architecture at the Technical University in Graz, spent one semester as visiting student in Mexico City, and graduated in 1985. After several years working in architectural studios and the town planning office in Salzburg he founded his own studio in 1993.
Having won several architectural competitions in various fields, he established the company Schwarzenbacher Architektur ZT GmbH in 2007.

Christian Struber
also studied at the Technical University in Graz, as well as at the Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, and graduated in 2002.
After working and living in Malaysia/Kuala Lumpur from 2002 – 2005 he joined the studio, and became a shareholder in 2009. After becoming managing partner in 2014, the company’s name changed to Schwarzenbacher Struber Architekten ZT GmbH.

Stefan Höll
started working at the studio in 2013 after graduating at the Technical University in Graz. He has been a shareholder since 2018, and became managing partner in 2020, representing the “next generation” in a successful, creative team. Additionally, he has been lecturing at the FH Salzburg since 2014.

Quartier RiedenburgJahrbuch der Archiektur2020
Quartier Riedenburgarchitektur.aktuell 10/20192019
Quartier RiedenburgQuartier Riedenburg2019
Taxham nachbessern, Ein großer Sprung nach vorn (und in die Höhe)Tax Glan2019
Wohn.Bau.ArchitekturHier wohnt Salzburg2014
Residential Area SonnenparkEco Living2013
Ökohauptschule StraßwalchenBaukunst in Salzburg seit 19802010
Wohnanlage Sonnenpark Baukunst in Salzburg seit 19802010
NiedrigenergiehäuserBaukunst in Salzburg seit 19802010
Der FreiraumSolar City Linz Pichling2007
Altenwohnheim GmündNeue Architektur in Kärnten2006
Architekturbüro archsolararchitekturspuren2005
Architekturbüro archsolarSalzburg besser bauen2003
Seniorenwohnheim in StraßwalchenNeues Bauen mit der Sonne1999
Klessheimer Allee 24-28Architektur Stadt Salzburg1998
Holzbau-Forum 4/981998
architektur&bau forum 1871997


Salzburg, Austria




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+43 662 652 161


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