OOPY Arhitectura
Qualified in architectural and general design, we provide our clients with our complex capacity to cover all design phases, from concept to technical and detailed solutions, as well as all other related activities: urban planning, expertise, geotechnical, hydrological and historical studies, thermic assessment, topographical and environmental surveys, natural light impact studies, impact analysis.
OOPY has significant experience in studies and expertise, consulting, project and construction management, topographical survey, thermal imagery and measurements, carried out both with our own teams or together with long-time, stable collaborators. Our projects, designed in Bucharest, Cluj & Iași, are implemented all over Romania and also abroad.
OOPY’s activity relies on our diverse and energetic team, with their exceptional multi-disciplinary training and working experience, able to solve and design projects of a wide complexity, in locations spread across the country and abroad.
Our activity fully respects the high standards ISO 14001 on the management system, and ISO 9001 on the integrated quality-environment management system. Being professionally insured, we can also provide, if requested, dedicated professional insurance to our clients’ projects.
While permanently keeping up to a field which progresses with high speed, our projects always develop around our core values: quality, innovation, environment protection, as well as efficiency, affordability, timeliness, and fairness. We aim at combining our clients’ satisfaction with the respect for patrimony, urban specificity, environment, and nature.
We innovate and highlight everlasting values. Enlighten culture, history, religion. Ensure durability, freshness of long-lasting projects in the live tissue of communities, connection with our clients’ targets.
We believe that ideas build evolution and our projects speak for us.
OOPY Arhitectura was initiated by two architects – old friends and school mates: in 2003, after 5 years of free lancing, Octavia Popeea and Iustin Popescu brought together their design offices, and also included a Romanian building structures company established in 1991 by engineer Mihail Gh. Popescu.
Since then, Octavia and Iustin’s vision, ideas, and dedication to design and architecture nurtured OOPY into a company growing steadily. Nowadays we keep working together with our extended team, being actively involved in developing the company, encouraging the evolution of our colleagues, promoting their results at contests, exhibitions, events, and in the media.
Our love and respect for profession, our consideration for the beneficiaries’ interest, as well as our commitment to connect harmoniously to quality and community resources are values shared by all our OOPY team. As a result, our success and recognition reward us all through our projects.
Presentation of the 'Delta Boutique' project, winner at Sofia, 2015 | 2015 |
Share Talks 2021 – guest speaker ”Industrial Architecture” panel | 2021 |

Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca, Romania
over 70 specialists (employees & collaborators)
Make contact
+4021 301 9279
+4 0751 201 709