Firma by Sanja / SANJA GRCIĆ

Firma by Sanja / SANJA GRCIĆ

Political noncorrect,  nontrendy pop, postcommunist global, worldy East European, urban bohemian, street couture, colorful black – for new world order adventurers.

Firma by Sanja style is described as Street Couture; instinctive, innovative and alternative with clever detailing and a little of a sporty touch. Firma builds new concepts of designing clothes out of wide range of tailoring and cutting knowledge. The combination of different and often opposite approaches of design concept results in unique and representative brand's style which is recognized and highly valued during various renowned fashion shows or fashion exhibitions at home or abroad. The brand's collections are made in small series and made with prestigious workmanship out of refined materials. Peculiar combination of shape, fabrics and colors makes these collections timeless and multifunctional. Firma by Sanja Grcić label is created for people who are not afraid to step out of a crowd.

Sanja Grcić is active in different fields of fashion design. She is a founder, chair-woman and art director of SOTO – Society of Slovenian contemporary fashion and textile design.

She regularly works also on costume design for theatre, movies, music videos, puppets, dance, performance and multimedia presentations. She also works as a wardrobe stylist for Slovenian national television and for magazine’s editorials.

The work of Sanja Grcić was presented independently or as a part of collective exhibitions of contemporary design and visual arts. It was also presented in fashion shows, performances, theatre and dance plays, puppet theatres, multimedia visual events, videos, festivals, conferences and competitions in the following countries: Croatia, Netherlands, Finland, Ireland, France, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, South Korea, Italy, Luxemburg, Switzerland, USA, Germany, Spain, Greece, Slovakia, Austria.

Fashion Designers

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Make contact
+ 386 41 288 782

Nada Žgank


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