Nikolina Ražnatović
Restart Ing; Montenegro
Restart Ing Llc. was founded in 2019 with headquarters in Budva, Montenegro. The company is engaged in architecture and design, but primarily focuses on cultural heritage conservation – restoration and preservation. It comprises a multidisciplinary team of experts and young collaborators with domestic and international experience. Our company, along with individual employees, holds licenses for design and execution, as well as conservation licenses. The founder and director of the company is Gordana Ražnatović, a conservation architect, who possesses rich experience in design and execution, as well as many years of experience working on cultural heritage sites in Montenegro and Serbia. Restart Ing is dedicated to the study, preservation, and protection of cultural heritage. With our expert team possessing extensive experience in cultural heritage protection, we conduct conservation research, conservation projects, and implement conservation measures on immovable and movable cultural properties with special care.