Lutz Kucher
kucherconsulting and lighthouse01, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Lutz Kucher, designer and european pioneer in design thinking and design strategy, has contributed to various industries across the world with his combination of strategic, creative and empathic competences.
For the past ten years, he has been inspiring the eBike market and its players. Amongst them Panasonic, Haibike and Bosch eBike Systems, which he has supported for years on their way to market leadership.
With kucherconsulting and lighthouse01, Lutz and his team are focussing now on advanced mobilities, helping companies innovate and embrace the opportunities of the dynamically changing mobility market.
Next to his business responsibilities, he has been teaching at the university of applied sciences FH Joanneum in Graz, strategic design and transformation design, focussing with his students and cooperation partners from the automotive industry on advanced mobilities.