Juha studio
Bojana Ristevski Mlaker started Juha Studio in 2017 after moving to Ljubljana from Belgrade. It serves as both an intimate workspace and a small gallery where she produces limited editions of stoneware and porcelain tableware, sculptures, and drawings.
Črno zrno (Gornji trg 17), Google map in Juhastudio (Resljevi 10), Google map
Presentation partners
Črno zrno
Black coffee is sourced from only one coffee-producing country - Colombia, and from there, it brings a range of aromas and flavors to Slovenian coffee enthusiasts.
Luka Ropret
As a solo performer, Luka Ropret is dedicated to playing guitar and other string instruments. At the concert in Črno zrno, he will play music for Juha studio.