Joakim Dørum
Green advisers AS, Norway
About Joakim Dørum:
Born in the middle of Norway at an industrial town between some towering mountains next to a fjord. People call the place a mountain crack, and for a good reason. Four months and 22 days without sun because the mountains are blocking it… And when it rises over the edge, it is raining very often…
Got interested in buildings trough Danish toy Lego and voluntary work among neighbors. Final five years of studies at the university in Trondheim and made a master’s degree there. Living outside Trondheim today but moves around to the projects.
Have done different jobs before establishing Green Advisers, from property administration for local government, designing waste handling plants in Finland and site management sewage plants in Maldives.
About Green Advisers:
Green Advisers is a consulting company with 15 y of experience. Norway is the main market and some minor works abroad. The general activity is a mix of architecture and engineering, qualifying from the strategic planning until artisanal details, including design of construction products.
The key knowledge is large wooden buildings with high interdisciplinary understanding. As part of the goals with focus at sustainability and circular economy with use of local resources.
To be ahead of business we do research of innovative solutions along the edge of impossible. Concepts have found in preservatives for food, in furniture and details from boats.
Last 15 years Norway have been working to develop and rediscover wood expertise. We have a diverse collection of incredibly old buildings that has a higher understanding of materials than today’s practice.
The use of glue laminated timber and cross-laminated timber are part of the solutions we can bring into the old designs and push possibilities further.
The company have developed its own system and techniques over ten years, studying the old building and trying to improve each detail. Green Building System give the possibility for small companies to make large wooden building prefabricated with their daily tools.
Up to this moment, the company has built around 9000 sqm of wooden buildings in the arctic climate.