Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering (UL NTF) and Faculty of Architekture (UL FA), University in Ljubljana
Students: Anamarija Bačani, Lucija Bostič, Ines Čeperlin, Jurij Fidel, Matej Fijačko, Marigone Gashi, Zala Gorenc, Jaka Grm, Iva Hajdinjak, Tijana Jamnik, Maxim Kaluža, Ana Krek, Dino Kurtović, Milana Lačević, Maša Macedoni, Anže Mrak, Tim Pongrac, Alina Skralovnik, Katja Šarlija, Lev Hugo Šuklje, Ana Volenik, Kim Žerdin (UL NTF), Miha Benčina, Nikolaj Srdić Kranjc, Lag Kinsel, and Filip Mikuž (UL FA)
Mentors and collaborators: prof. Elena Fajt, prof. Marija Jenko, assist. prof. mag. Katja Burger, assist. mag. Arijana Gadžijev, and professional assistants, Sara Valenci, and Mojca Košir (UL NTF), prof. mag. Tadej Glažar, prof. dr. Anže Zadel, and assist. Vid de Gleria (UL FA)
Acknowledgment: Katerina Mirović, Lighting Guerrilla, Forum Ljubljana
The multi-layered lace fabric is a project of two faculties and the Lighting Guerrilla festival. It animates the urban space with shadows and colors and complements it with an abstract and flexible textile construction.
ntf.uni-lj.si/oto, kotofolio.si, fa.uni-lj.si, svetlobnagverila.net/ekipa
Stiški dvorec, Gallusovo nabrežje, Google map
Presentation partners
La Ganache (Naser Gashi)
At La Ganache, where we spread the love for French pastry art, we give fragrant natural flavors colour in abstract shapes.
Borut Cajnko
When the color of lights changes, an apparent movement of the illuminated textile structures is created because of light filtration on the colours of the textile fibers.