Oct 11 and Nov 3 at 5 p.m.
Vidovdanska 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Design Forum

Awarded Slovene brands will present the strategies and visions of their own brand development. They will try to provide answers to the questions such as: how to combine design and development of new products; how to develop a brand that is different and generates products with high added value; how to create a brand that increases recognisability and wins a client’s trust; and how to sell well-designed products nowadays. During the Forum we will hear visions and fresh ideas of awarded young talents through their work.

Janez Mesarič, Mashoni

Gašper Puhan, GeoEnergetika

Matevž Popič, Hisense Gorenje Europe

Marko Škrbin, Elan

Luka Bassanese, Elan

Andrej Kregar, Kreatif Design

Jernej Mali, Atelje Mali

Rok Kuhar in Katjuša Kranjc, Raketa

Matic Lenaršič, Seascape

Luka Debevec, Kauch

Aleksander Praper, Noordung

Ajda Cehner, Doorson

Matej Feguš, Donar

Robert Klun, Magnet Design

Marko Vrtovec, Remigo

Ajda Bertok, Remigo
