The conservation project for the adaptation of the stage was implemented in the Old Town Bar, a cultural asset registered in the Register of Cultural Assets of Montenegro. The project included the replacement of the existing auditorium and its transformation into a more suitable space for organizing various cultural events for audiences. Architects were challenged to integrate the new structure of the auditorium into the historical core of the old town while also correcting the slope of the auditorium. Bearing in mind the value of the context, all necessary measures were foreseen in the design to ensure that the historical context would not be damaged and to maintain authenticity while introducing a new intervention in the space. The performance was carried out while ensuring the maximum safety of the heritage property. The entire newly designed construction, including the seats, can be assembled and disassembled so that if the need arises for new contents, the structure can be removed without devastating the area of cultural property.

Restart Ing; Gordana Ražnatović
Municipality Bar
Year of completion
Bar, Montenegro
Nikolina Ražnatović