"Our biggest concern as architects in Cyprus is the level of architecture awareness which is at the moment largely absent. It seems as though that architecture exists only as a set of utopia presentation of ideas rather than a process of moving from dream to construction and the leading role an architect has in the process. Architecture has no presentation in my country in a sense that the public rarely has the opportunity to interact with architects and initiate dialogue with skilful designers. The result is that the role of the architect in the eye of the client is reduced merely to that of a design advisor only when is wanted. We need to raise architecture awareness which may lead to a better understanding of the role of the architect in people’s daily activities and create environments for better living by generating values aiming at higher standards.

The mission of architects should be to draw attention to their work and promote excellence in architecture through media presentations, public forums, publications, new architectural award programs, exhibitions promoting award-winning building etc. These events will engage the general public and associative professions from the building industry in a debate that will increase people’s knowledge concerning the real role and skills of the architect within the community. Finally I would like to make a proposition to the organizers of BigSee architecture awards to take the winning projects exhibition on tour around the south east countries of Europe. In this way all south east regions will benefit from this great architecture festival and improve public awareness of the great architecture that south-east of Europe has to offer."

May 20, 2020