Jernej Fekonja, Anja Kozjan, Anže Marin, Ronja Osovnikar Šraj, Salomé Alexandra Ramalho Mateus, Kristjan Mihael Reisman, Tjaša Rojnik, Paula Martinez and Irene Gutierrez

Perspective – industrial design, Slovene national design awards 2024|

Students from the Product Engineering program designed children's playground equipment with the involvement of parents for Sixinch Adria, d. o. o., a company that produces innovative furniture pieces for interiors and exteriors using FoamCoating technology.
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Gal Grobovšek, Iza Oblak, Rudolf Zver, Dora Čičin-Šain, Anže Ceglar, Edo Rapaić, Ana Maria Milić, Bruno Žgajner Šarm, Nikola Toplek, Nikolaj Srdić Kranjc and Marija Stančić

Perspective – interior, Prospectives 2024, Slovene national design awards 2024|

The nominated authors for the title Promising INTERIOR 2024 are participants from four groups of the international summer school (p. s.) New European Bauhaus and New Technologies (August 18–23, 2024), organized by the Academy of
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