Birgit Kornmüller, Gerald Zehetner

Bogenfeld Architektur; Austria

The exciting thing about our office is that we do a lot of different projects, both in terms of content and scale, and we’re open to challenges. We’ve never reached into the drawer and pulled out off-the-shelf architectural goods. What suits us is tinkering, rubbing ourselves against the context and task to develop tailor-made architecture from them. We engineer the architecture around purpose and context, aiming to create something that will stand the test of time. There’s no fixed image from the start; we’re working our way up and staying open. If a gable roof is required in the context or a wooden structure makes sense structurally, then so be it. What unites our work is a clear commitment to genuine, high-quality materials. We’ll never settle for materials that ‘just look like’.

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