„Betoane catenates” (Velvety concretes) is an urban furniture project that asks to be discovered by touch. The concept aims to involve a sensorial experience and starts from the desire to create some perfect organic shapes from concrete, with an ideally smooth surface, obtained by casting the cement in a mold padded with polyethylene. An effect as simple as it is, yet fully surprising by creating a velvety texture out of a material generally known as being rough. The process took a long way of craftsmanship, a path which follows the design stage, ricocheted strongly in sculpture and involved deferment techniques related to it. The concrete serves as the supporting element of the furniture, and the seating surface is made of solid wood – an element that brings warmth to these objects through their color and texture.

MihaiStamati – Design studio; Mihai Stamati
MihaiStamati – Design studio; Mihai Stamati
Year of production
Mihai Stamati, Igor Rotari