Antoine Zammit
STUDJURBAN is an award-winning architectural and urban design boutique consultancy that delves deep into what makes a place tick. Established in 2012 with the prime intention of championing high quality urban and architectural design in Malta, STUDJURBAN strives to achieve this in practice through an iterative philosophy, linking policy, research and collaboration to design and subsequently increasing awareness of place. STUDJURBAN brings together design professionals, policy-makers, communities and researchers. Its starting point is sound knowledge, which informs a collaborative and inclusive approach to spatial planning and design. Since its beginning, the office has grown to a team of professionals with a deep theoretical knowledge and practical experience in urban design, landscape design, architectural design and interior and bespoke product design. STUDJURBAN prides itself in producing high-quality design projects, from inception to completion, and has completed over 115 projects to date. Its efforts have been acknowledged within numerous publications and with the receipt of local awards and commendations.