Andrea Milani

Studio di Architettura Andrea Milani; Italy

Andrea Milani has his roots in the heart of the historic center of Siena, where he founded his studio in 1997.Graduated from the avant-garde IUAV in Venice, with a thesis in Moscow in the late 90s, he works and publishes mainly in Italy, Holland and India, on a vast variety of international projects. The intention is establishing a non-generic relationship with the “place”, trying to investigate the sedimented folds of the context, the orographic, material, geometric, anthropological complexities and the interstitial possibilities of the fabric. An elliptical gaze with one eye focused on history and landscape, punctual and sensitive, and one on the possibility of scratching it, inoculating contemporaneity as if it were an intelligent virus that as a story does not destroy the body that hosts it, be it open territory or fabric urban, but coexists with it and, in some way, enhances it. Numerous projects and the same obstinacy for what could be defined as “possible experimentation”.

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