Agro Tourism Albania

Qeparo, is a village in the southern coast of Albania. Divided in the more recent lower Qeparo and the historical upper Qeparo, has suffered from the Albanian Diaspora that caused a great loss of human capital, which mainly moved to Greece, with consequent neglect of buildings and agricultural fields. Today the village, as many others in the coastal area, is facing return immigration of the ‘natives’, and has the opportunity to be revitalized with agro-tourism. The landscape with its products, can be the starting point for a new prosperity.


MVO Nederland, Cityförster, Alterra, Sawadee, Boer Bos, GutundGut, Arber Togani

Dutch Embassy of Albania, Stimuleringsfonds, RVO

Year of completion
2015 – 2016

Qeparo, Albania

Armand Habazaj

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