Andrea Botter and Emanuele Bressan, Studio Botter + Studio Bressan, Italy
The obligation to stay closed indoors for long periods has brought out a greater attention of our customers towards the domestic space and the need for a more careful design of private indoor and outdoor spaces. It has emerged the need to have new spaces with areas dedicated to smart working or physical activity and to have outdoor high-quality areas as a terrace or private garden properly designed. At the same time, the use of public space has changed in order to be able to respect the social distance imposed by the covid-19. We rediscovered the pleasure of living the urban space in a different way, with larger spaces for all the activities that can be carried out outdoors, such as catering and nightlife.
The architecture, supported by public bodies, should redesign these new outdoor spaces and take the opportunity of these new habits to eliminate the bad habit of a chaotic and unsuitable use of public soil. A correct design of the spaces for the community will allow to live the sociality in a new and safer way.
September 9, 2020