B-ION Boost is an air ionizer that brings a new air around, designed by Emo design and manufactured by Puricraft. It is a small portable object, low-energy consumption bipolar ionization device (5 millions ions / cm³ at 20 cm) that sanitize and ionize air within a radius of two meters from where it sits, releasing ions that capture bacteria, viruses, molds, allergens and other substances harmful to humans. It does not need any maintenance because it is filter-less and the no-lithium battery lasts up to 24 hours. It can be transported wherever because it is silent and light. Thought to be used at home, in the office and also in the car, it is an object for the person well-being, and – thanks to the contemporary design – it can also become a furnishing complement. The collection by Puricfraft distinguishes itself for the vintage details like the power lever and LED on/off indicator. B-ION BOOST 2001, is a trendy object not only for the choice of colours – metalized green and pink – but above all for the leather handle that makes it an object of desire.

Manufacturer: Puricraft S.r.l.

We have been designing technological devices since 1991, equipping them with a heart that beats for innovation, the passion for a healthy life, the ethics of sustainability. We believe that a better future starts from improving the most basic functions of the human being: to breathe well, to think well. This is why we are committed to putting vital technology at the service of people's lives.

Design: EMO Design

Carlo and Lukasz are the propelling force behind Emo design. One businessy and articulate, the other laconic and ingenious, are a match made in heaven as their personalities and skills complete each others creating an incredible duo made of complicity and brotherhood. ‘We started with big dreams squeezed in a small room, but we never thought of swapping the tiny town with the big metropolis. Our idea of big has always been the world: designing for international clients from our turf in the Alps.’ We don't have 'Fun at work day', We always have fun! First of all because we like what we do but above all because we take the time to enjoy the process, to allow events to change us, to experiment and play, to wander and slow down, to fail and start again. Ideas are fluid and need a generous environment to support their growth.

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Zavod Big
Vidovdanska cesta 2
1000 Ljubljana

Opening hours:
Mon-Fri 8:00 – 16:00
Sat closed
Sun: closed

+386 64 266 471


BIG SEE comes from South-East Europe and aims to become the global springboard for a responsible, Bio Intelligent Generation.