Giulia Decorti
Lorenzateliers; Austria
LORENZATELIERS – internationally active Austrian architecture offices for urbanism, architecture, and design: master plans, project developments, and building plannings all the way to its culmination in property handover. Our work is anchored in ethical standards, a humanistic worldview, all-embracing accountability, and responsibility. A versatile international team places the highest possible importance on expending every human effort to fulfill the assigned tasks to perfection. Guided by a principle of respectful interdisciplinary cooperation with top experts, the primary objective includes achieving long-lasting quality and timeless architecture. It is not the ‘style’ or the ‘form’ that assumes priority, but rather, finding the optimal solution for complex challenges in irreproducible locations. A well-established cooperation with the best engineering companies is a guarantee for successful project completion. For international projects, suitable local partners of unsurpassed standing are available.