Krizsán András

President of the Association of Hungarian Architects (AHA),Adjunct professor at Obuda University, principal of MODUM Architects, Budapest, Hungary

András Krizsán Doctor of Liberal Arts is the president of the Association of HungarianArchitects (AHA), Chief Designer of MODUM Architectural Office Ltd, Adjunct professor atObuda University. He is a true professional public man, whose talent is not only manifestedin spaces and buildings, but also in his humanistic way of observing and understanding theworld around him. Under his leadership, the Association of Hungarian Architects, 120 yearsold this year, was renewed, and the public life of Hungarian architects was expanded withnumerous professional and public programmes. In addition to its activities at home, it plays an active role in the International Union of Architects (UIA) and has an effective culturaldiplomacy with the leaders of several professional organisations abroad. Among otherthings, it is thanks to him that the world has become familiar with the life and work of Charles H. Gonda, an architect of Hungarian origin who lived and worked in Shanghai, and thatHungarian architects have flourishing links with the architectural associations of the East-Asian countries.

Within the framework of the V4 Architectural Association, the Association holds regularmeetings and discussions with professional leaders from the neighbouring countries and participates in each other’s international events and exhibitions. On his initiative, thedocument of ratification of the V4 Architectural Association and the V4 Architect Diploma Award were signed in Budapest in 2019. In addition to his work as a university lecturer, he is also the developer and active organiser of a number of professional higher educationcooperation programmes. Through his professional and community organising work, he has successfully promoted the harmonious unity of the rural built and natural environment. As a result of his scientific work, he wrote a book entitled “The Folk Architecture of the Balaton Highlands“, and in 2013 he wrote the influential design guide “The Architectural Guide of theBalaton Highlands“, which later became a government programme and a model for allHungarian Settlement Design Manuals. He initiated the national network of theGrandfather’s House” traditional house-building master-apprentice training, where youngpeople can learn about the values of traditional architecture and traditional folk building techniques during the renovation and conservation of folk monument buildings and country houses.

In 2006 he gained Kós Károly-Prize for preserving values and improving environment onsettlements. He was honoured with Ybl Miklós-Prize for his high quality architecture in 2012 year, and in 2013 he won the PRO ARCHITECTURA Award, a prestigious official recognitionby the ministry for outstanding architectural achievements of architects and designers of Hungary. The Central Building of Zanka designed by him was nominated for the European Union’s Award of Contemporary Architecture, the Mies van der Rohe Award in 2013. He received the most prestigious professional award of the Czech Republic the Joze PlecnikCentral European Architecture Award in 2022 year, due to of his successful work, and collaboration with the architectural associations of the Visegrad countries. In the last year he was accepted as  Honorary Fellow of the Korean Institute of Architects (KIA) for hiscontribution to the promotion of architectural relations in Asia.

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