Manuel Gschnell: Hotel Prinz Rudolf
DEAR Studio, Italy
DEar studio was founded in 2015, when Manuel and Stefanodecided to embark on the adventure of the profession together with other studentcompanions. Strong determination and many hours of work turned a group of friends intoa professional DEsign and ARchitecture studio, based in Merano within a couple of years.The team consists of more than 15 young professionals from different partsof Italy andabroad, each providing specialised input according to the needs of each project. Thedynamic and efficient working reality is thus combined with an informal and sharingatmosphere… where a good brioche is never missing alongside the coffee!The studio’s main areas of expertise range from tourism to headquarter buildings,passing through the various scales of residential. The mission of each project is to work,from the design to the definition of the furnishing details, following personally all thephases: Conception, Execution and Construction.The finished spaces tell a story that connects people with their spaces, through a processof innovation, research and craftsmanship